Hi, I’m Nadia. I am a certified teacher, writer, director, producer, and entrepreneur, who believes in drama’s power to educate, inspire, build understanding and create awareness. My love for drama and creating has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. As a young child I was extremely shy, but I always had my fisher price tape recorder in my hand. I would sing (and rap), make up stories and chat about the world around me all while pushing the play and record buttons at the same time. I always turned to it when I needed to express myself; when I was happy or needed to pour my four-year-old feelings out usually though song. At age 9, I found the courage to try out for my first production at school and to my surprise (and my family’s), I scored the lead role. I always thank the teacher who believed in me and helped me follow this passion. From then on theatre was a part of me. It saw me through grade school and high school. I studied it in University and became a drama teacher and director. I started my own company teaching drama to kids and people of all abilities. Throughout this entire journey, I was writing. Whenever I had a moment, whenever I saw something, heard something, or felt something I needed to express – I wrote. I still do. Educate through Drama is my new adventure and I am excited to see where it goes. I am inspired by my children every day. I want them to grow up knowing that if you follow your passion and truly want to make a positive difference – you can.
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.” Carl Sagan